Implementation and Counselling
We want our clients to get the best chance at success in their new start-up. Whether it's a small or large business, we have qualified team members to start you in the right direction with tools and resources. We also offer a 1-hour complimentary consultation for Sole Proprietors and Corporations.
Auditing is a necessary part of business ownership and helps keep you in the good books if you know what we mean. If there is something that needs to be brought "up to snuff" our knowledgeable accounting staff will find it and help get it on the right track.
Business Plans
Businesses that are looking for further direction in finances and/or operations such as,
leases vs buy options, optimal corporate structures, analysis of segments for profitability, or any other business-related questions you may have. Contact our office to set up
an appointment with one of our Accounting Specialists. Together we can review your
current business in order to create solutions and ideas for future profitability.
Financial Statements
Your bookkeeping data is used to create a summary of your business’ interactions over the last year. These interactions form the company’s financial statements, which are compared to the previous year’s statements to highlight differences. The financial statements are then used to prepare a corporate tax return and determine whether or not taxes are owing to the Canada Revenue Agency.
Income Tax and Tax Planning
While preparing your year-end, we determine the best way to pay the shareholders
from the corporation in order to minimize both corporate and personal taxes.
Return Preparation for Not-For-Profits
The tax reporting and recordkeeping requirements for nonprofit corporations, charities, and organizations founded for the public good can sometimes be easily misunderstood even by tax professionals. We have extensive experience at our firm with return prep for our not-for-profits and charities to help serve you as much as you serve the public.